Adult ADHD- Strategies For Taming Impulsivity

In adults with ADHD, impulsivity is found to be one of the more challenging symptoms.  In some people, impulsiveness can be astonishingly difficult to control.  For example, adults with ADHD may act without regard of the consequences, the inability to have emotional control, or may have difficulty waiting for things or waiting one’s turn.
The following are some strategies for dealing with impulsivity
Know Your ADHD Symptom
When trying to get a hold of your impulsivity, it is very important that you know how your ADHD functions.  No two people with ADHD will conduct themselves or react the same way. You need to figure out how your own impulsivity affects your everyday living. Once you become aware on how you are inclined to be impulsive, you can then start to address the issue more effectively.
Live in the Present
For adults with ADHD, it is crucial to practice self-awareness & to try to live in the present moment.  Impulsive behavior can come from what might happen or what has already happened rather than focusing on what is currently going on. By increasing your awareness of self and the present, you will be able to figure out the factors that lead to your impulse decision.  It is also significant to recognize and name the impulse in your mind the moment that you become aware of it. By doing this, you are actually trying to take some control and taking the first step in taking control of your impulses.
 Make it more difficult to act on impulses  
One of the most common impulse behaviors is impulsive spending.  By indentifying this, you can take steps to stop yourself from making impulsive decisions by leaving your bank/credit card or checkbook at home if you feel that you are in a mood that could lead to impulsive spending.  Try to figure out how you commonly act on an impulsive and then take the steps you need to make it more difficult to act that way. 

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