What You Need To Know About Being a Women with ADHD & Co-Morbid Conditions.

  A co-morbid condition is a condition that lives alongside another condition in the same person. Even though this isn’t a very cheerful term, but in simple terms you have two or more medical conditions at the same time such as depression or bipolar disorder. There is a saying that ‘ADHD rarely travels alone”, which […]

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Demystify Executive Functioning: Part 4 Planning  

Executive functioning and planning falls into a group of skills related to a women with ADHD ability to identify and manage future orientated tasks. It also involves how you identify future responsibilities, events, setting goals, and how to complete those goals and how to analyze the steps needed to complete the task ahead of time. […]

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Demystify Executive Functioning: Part 3 Task Initiation

Task initiation is one of the many executive functioning skills that can be a real big challenge for women with ADHD. This is the ability to start a task or a project right way when needed. It includes being able to overcome procrastination, the task/project is overwhelming, you don’t know where or how to begin, […]

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