Overcoming Fear of Failure for Women with ADHD

Everyone hates to fail, but for a women with ADHD failing can bring on feelings of disappointment, anger, frustration, sadness & regret. If you have a fear of failure that is holding you back, here are some ways to stop the feeling of failure and how to overcome it Recognize that fear is just a feeling – Fear […]

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Women with ADHD & Breaking Down Your Goals Into Doable Steps

When the women that I coach tell me how overwhelmed they get by their  goals. I always try to tell them the importance of breaking large goals down into small steps so you are better able to accomplish them. Having a huge goal such as “clutter my home” on your to-do list would completely derail you, where […]

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Overcoming Feeling Like A Failure For Women with ADHD

Everyone hates to fail, but for a women with ADHD failing can bring on feelings of disappointment, anger, frustration, sadness & regret. If you have a fear of failure that is holding you back, here are some ways to get unstuck and take action. Recognize that fear is just a feeling – Fear can’t hurt you. It […]

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Stuck? Strategies to Help You to Your Next Decision

Decision making for an adult with ADHD can pose many different challenges.  One is the hesitancy to act on the decision because of fear of failure. This is due to their behaviors and thoughts were challenged repeatedly as a youngster and are programmed to believe that everyone can do it better than you. Another challenge […]

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