How To Create An ADHD House Cleaning Schedule You Can Stick To

  Cleaning the house and trying to keep on top of all the housework can be very overwhelming for an adult with ADHD. In this week’s blog I want to look at how to create a cleaning schedule that is ADHD friendly. A cleaning schedule won’t add hassle or stress to you or the people in […]

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Five Good ADHD Money Management Tips

  Have you ever taken the time to actually figure out where your money goes each week and what you could have saved and made better use of? So many adults with ADHD live from pay check to pay check, always hating the last few days as you have run out of money, and not […]

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Stuck? Strategies to Help You to Your Next Decision

Decision making for an adult with ADHD can pose many different challenges.  One is the hesitancy to act on the decision because of fear of failure. This is due to their behaviors and thoughts were challenged repeatedly as a youngster and are programmed to believe that everyone can do it better than you. Another challenge […]

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Money Management Tips for Adults With ADHD

The bounced check or the unpaid bill can be usually be checked up as just being forgetful or having a busy scheduled, however if you are an adult with ADHD, managing money can be struggle and it is time tackle your money management problems. Adults with ADHD find the task of organizing their finances boring […]

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