Dealing with Adult ADHD in a Social Situation

Dealing with adult ADHD in a social situation can be one of the most difficult things a person with this disorder can go through, and can have a profound negative impact on their professional and personal life.  However, there are things you can try to develop a better set of social skills

 – Be aware of an individual’s choice of words to get a better understanding of the real meaning. When a person says “ I would love to go”, they are most likely saying “yes” and “if you really need to”, they are most likely saying no, but will still do it anyway.

– Listen Before speaking. Before you join a conversation, pause for a few minutes and make sure you understand what is being discussed, collect your thoughts, and think about how you can contribute to the discussion.

– Try to stay positive no matter what, when networking makes your best effort to do this approach with your strengths and not weaknesses.     





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