Four Ways to Overcoming Overwhelm

Do you have a big project/task that you have been putting off forever? Are you dreading to finish it because it feels too big and overwhelming?  If you have adult ADHD, feeling overwhelmed is like drowning in an ocean of things to do and expectations to meet that make you feel like it’s difficult to keep your head above water.

However, there are strategies you can use to deal with the feeling of overwhelm

Recognize What Is Going On

The first step to overcoming overwhelm is to identify what is going on. As simple it may sound, we as ADDers often skip over it.  It is crucial to acknowledge when you are feeling overwhelmed.  It is important to stop acting as if you are trying to keep up, doing fine, moving along effortlessly, when you aren’t and to come clean about it. In other words, when you realize the reality of your situation, you can then begin to do something to fix it. You can’t do anything about it, until you acknowledge it.

De-Escalate the Feeling of Overwhelm

To get your body back in balance, try to take some deep breaths, take a walk or meditate, you can do one of these or come up with your own to restore your inner balance.  This will assist you to get both of your feet back on the ground. 

Indentify The Source of Overwhelm

When you are feeling overwhelmed, it is like your body circuits have overloaded and your central nervous system has closed down.  When this happens a good place to begin is to find which of your circuits are overloaded. For instance, do you have too many projects going on at one time, multitasking in too many ways, nagging doubts or worries.  It is imperative to identify all the stressors that are making you feel overwhelmed at the time, you do not have to do anything about it at this particular time, only identify them.

Unhook From the Feeling of Overwhelmed

Just like when your house circuits (stressors) are overloaded, you then can figure out which can be unplugged or freed up for what is important.  I have learned with my ADHD, to ask myself “if I could get one thing accomplished today, which one would it be”?  I then unplug myself from everything else and just focus on that one thing.  Other questions you can ask yourself are “what can wait and what cannot.”? “what needs to be done first, before other steps can be taken”?

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