Organizational Tips for Adults with ADHD

Organizing is one of the biggest challenges that an adult with ADD/ADHD can face. If you are one of these individual, the thought of getting organized whether it be at home or at work, may leave you feeling overwhelmed. 
The following tips can help you become a more organized person.
·        Create a To Do List – To do lists often get a bad reputation as a collection of things to do that will never get done.  Don’t believe it, it is not true.  To do lists can be very helpful in getting your tasks organized.  The key is not to fall into the trap of creating a long list of things to do without action.  Contain your list making efforts by only writing down what must be done for a single day. Try to keep the number of tasks on your list in the range of 3-5 things to do. Not only will your to do list be shorter and easier to read; but you will be able to complete the tasks you set out to accomplish.
·        Find a Place for Things – You can keep your belongings in order by creating a specific place or home for these items. When you create a specific place to keep the items, you will know where to place them when you are finished using them and will be able to find them easily when you need them. Begin your organizing efforts by finding a place for those items that seem to float around your house or office. This could be an everyday item like a pocketbook or your backpack when it is not in use.
·        Get Rid Of Clutter – Clutter comes in many different forms, from trash to items that you do not use anymore to items that you use that are in the wrong place in your home or work.  Make a call to arms to try cleaning the clutter in your home or workplace by doing all or any of the following, get rid of any trash or recycling materials, throw away any items that are broken or no longer serve a purpose in your life, put items back where they belong.
·        Take Care of Small Tasks Right Away – Instead of waiting till the last minute to do a small and easy to accomplish task, take care of them right away.  The longer you wait to complete the tasks, the more difficult it will be to get the momentum to get it done. 
·        Keep a Schedule – Do you follow or keep a regular routine or schedule. Keeping a schedule can assist you to better organize and define your time. You can start a schedule by using your calendar in your computer, or just use a good old planner. Try to plan out your work and meeting hours and then your personal appointments, social activities, and household chores.
·        Create Small Goals – The benefits of creating small goal for yourself is that you will be able to see your efforts pay off in a small amount of time. Would you like to have your office be a little cleaner? You can make a daily goal to put away all your paper files at the end of the day or at home you may want to keep a particular part of your kitchen counter clutter free. The smallest of actions do really add up over time, especially when you keep things tidy and in order.
·        Set Priorities – Priorities are when you want to focus on your time and energy at one given time. If you are always running around and not being focused on your intent and action can make you feel drained, tired and of course disorganized.  Take a few minutes before you go to bed to set some priorities for yourself for the next day. What are your priorities n your life right here & right now.  Your priorities can apply to both larger life goals as well as smaller everyday tasks. 

·        Have a Positive Attitude – Contrary to popular beliefs, a person does not become organized overnight. It does require a lot of hard work, and patience to get better skilled at organizing.  It is all a learning process, and having a positive attitude can work wonders. Be patient with yourself as you become more and more organized. Work at a speed that works for you. Each step that you take is a step in the right direction in your search to become a more organized person. 

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