Slowing Down the ADHD Mind

In the minds of an individual with ADHD, there is so much to do and not enough time in the day to do it. If you are an adult with ADHD, you know that keeping a slow and steady pace can be hard to do. It feels like the ADHD brain is going a thousand miles a minute like a locomotive train with no breaks.  Consequently, we use up this time worrying & having less time for fun.
Here are some ways to slow down the ADHD mind:
Arrange A Fun Night Out With Friends/Colleagues
Nothing is more fun than taken time to going out with friends/colleagues that you like. This will give your mind to relax and the overall goal is not to worry about anything, and to just have a good time
Create a Journal
Maintaining a journal will allow you to write out your thoughts by putting it down on paper. It could also assist you if you have anxiety or clearing out your mind clutter. Take time out of your day to write in this journal, even it is only for five minutes, and don’t worry about the grammar since you are the only one reading it.
Turn Off All Electronics
Turn off all electronics (computer, cell phone) 2 hours before you go to bed. Electronics can over stimulate the ADHD brain and can make it different to fall asleep.  Sometimes lack of sleep for an adult with ADHD may cause irritability & edginess and it may put the ADHD into overdrive to compensate for the lossTop of Form

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