Strategies for Handling ADHD in The Workplace

For adults with ADHD, the workplace can be stress and challenging. If these challenges are not recognized and coping strategies are not developed, adults with ADHD may find themselves jumping from job to job, being terminated and becoming increasingly frustrated and unhappy.

In the workplace, adults with ADHD may encounter ADHD traps such as distractibility, impulsivity, boredom, time management and organization problems, procrastination, difficulty with long term projects, and interpersonal difficulties. However there are strategies that can be employed to maximize function, skills and satisfaction in the workplace.

The following are some strategies on dealing with ADHD in the workplace

 Make a List. When you have adult ADHD, you may have a hard time following complex directions, write down the steps of a particular task. This list can be either handwritten or kept electronically or what ever works best for YOU.

Clear Your Space – Clutter can be a distraction, so try to keep your desk at work clutter free. Only keep what you are working on in front of you, put everything else away that you do not need for that specific task at hand

Break it down – If you are given a large project or complicated task, break it down into more manageable chunks and set deadlines for each task and mark them off as you complete them

Set specific times each day for checking your email and answering your voice mail so it won’t interrupt your other work responsibilities.





































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