Stress Management Tips for Adults with ADHD

Adults with ADHD can have difficulty dealing with stress. Life can be overflowing with guilt over constantly misplacing important paperwork, forgetting appointments, and missing deadlines.  By the end of the day, you feel further behind than when you first started, just to wake up to do the routine all over again.  Here are a few stress-management techniques.

         Bring more fun & laughter into your life – It has been made known that happier people tend to live longer, have less physical problem and are more productive.  Look for humor in life when things don’t make sense.. Remember, you are very special and deserve only the best treatment from yourself.

         Create a positive support network – Do you shut down from the world when you feel stressed, only focusing on solving the problem that is causing you the stress.  Talking with friends or a support network has a way of dispelling the tension connected with stress. It can boost your problem solving skills, & broaden your attention.

         Practice Mindfulness – Many studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can provide stress relief.  Mindfulness is about staying focused in the present moment and expands your awareness in the now
         Take a Break – Taking a break from your daily routine is very necessary when it comes to stress.  Whenever you feel stressed, take a break from work & rest for awhile.  Even a short break can serve as a refreshing stimulant to get back with a fresh new approach. A break can actually help the you find a solution to the stressful problems and make you less distressed.


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