Time Management Tips for Adults with ADHD

Adults with ADHD often have difficulty with getting every tasks done in a timely manner.  For example, a task that would be easy for someone without ADHD may take them an hour whereas it may take someone with ADHD three days to complete the same task.  Below are some strategies to assist you to build confidence, prioritize your goals, and following through with your day
Setting Priorities – Adults with ADHD have an inclination of not doing tasks in the order of importance but in a short random order.  Once the adult with ADHD starts setting tasks in an order of importance, they will see more positive results of certain tasks, thus making prioritizing easier
 Pick One Task and Stick To It -Distractibility is one the most common challenges for an adult with ADHD. The easiest way to avoid this is to pick one task one your to do list and stick to it.  Once it is done check it off and go to another
Don’t overdo it –when an adult with ADHD has too much on their plate, they can become overwhelmed.  A good rule of thumb is to make a to do list for that is easy to complete, and if it so happens that you finish the tasks on the list, you will have time for yourself. This will keep frustration and distractibility at a minimum.

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