Tips To Manage Your Scattered Brain

Do you ever feel like you are going a thousand miles a minute like a locomotive train with no brakes?   Maybe you go upstairs to get something, but only when you get there you forget what you were going to get.  You think about doing something else, and then abandon that task when you think of something else that needs to be done. If this sounds like you, then you are a scattered brain. Welcome to the club. There is nothing wrong with being distracted every now and then, but when it comes to being a constant in your life, you may fall into a stress trap or avoidance or worse, trying to catch up for lost time.  Here are some ways to manage your scattered brain
·         Know What You Want To Do & Prioritize – This is the most common and probably the one that is listed in every self help book or article out there. The importance of this step cannot be overstated.  If you do not know what you want and mind clutter is just floating in your head, so make a list of everything that on your mind. Then Prioritize with a capital P. This is where you get to tell your brain to stop worrying about the small stuff and focus on what is really important.
·         Break It Down & Keep It Simple –  Once you have your list and you have determined you two or three tasks, choose one to start with and break it down into the simplest form of action. Every step shouldn’t take no longer than 30 minutes to complete. If it takes a longer, break it down further.  The smaller the, the shorter time it will take to get it done, and the more likely you will stick with it.
·         Start & Do It Slowly –   Don’t try to rush in an effort to save time. This can trigger your ADHD brain to drift into what you want to do next instead of focusing on what you are doing right now. Your ADHD brain can only focus on one thought at a time, so make it about what is right in front of you. Do the task slowly, you will feel better once you complete your task.
·         Take Breaks – Do not be tempted to work nonstop for hour on end. This will lead you to burn out and end up not having enough motivation to start again. After completing a 30 minute task takes a break and do something fun.  Once you have completed 4 tasks a take a longer break, this is your free time to do whatever you like.
Work In Intervals – Use a timer and set it to an estimated time your to complete your task/project. Do not stop your work until it is complete.  Take a break and repeat.  Focus on only working and getting your task done, do not worry about what time it is. This way you are guaranteed to work instead of putting them off till another day.
·         Keep Going – If you fall off the wagon, just pick yourself up and start again. There is no reason for you to give up.  Check over what you did and what you did, learn from it and move forward.  Don’t forget practice makes improvement.
·         Make It Fun– Try to embrace your playful inner child, use your imagination to make the best out of every task. Even the most boring task can be fun. Do what will give you the most helpful results in the most enjoyable manner. Once you get started, keep on going, because there is no turning back, things will get easier once you start connecting more of your positive mental power.

·         Power down & Reboot – Give your time to enjoy yourself away from the tasks and to do’s. Keep it free and don’t commit to anything new. This is time for you to relax, have fun & to spend time with friends & family.

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