7 Strategies to Boost Your Day to Day Positivity

For an adult with ADHD, it can be difficult to overcome negativity especially when your world can seem chaotic. Maybe your boss at work gave you a bad review on a project or maybe your family is undergoing some personal tension in the household. Whatever the situation maybe that is negatively affecting you, it is important to realize that you have a choice, you can choose to be positive or choose to be the opposite.  Below are seven ways to make each day a little brighter.
Tell Yourself It is Okay to be Happy-    Adults with ADHD may have a sinking feeling in their guts that they simply don’t deserve to feel amazing.  For some, it can come from growing up in a family where negativity was a regular factor.  For others, it maybe away to cope that you developed over time. Instead, when you wake up, remind yourself that it is ok to laugh, smile and enjoy life.
Help Someone Else –   Making another person feel better can be a good way to increase your own positivity. When we reach out and connect with people, we go outside our own minds. Focusing on someone else’s needs; you will be less likely stumble in your own self pity.
Stay Away From Negative People – People who suck the happiness out of you are everywhere and you probably have a few in your family, circle of friends or even at work.  While you can’t keep away from them, you can put up a stay away from negative people buffer zone, which will enable you to distance yourself from their negative reactions and statements that may bring you down.
Remove Negative Self Talk – You know the tape recorder that plays in your head that tells you negative things about yourself. Stop playing those negative recordings that are not uplifting. Often we are our own worst critics, and tend to sabotage our positivity.
Take Responsibility For Your Own Actions – Have you ever felt that your life was out of control? This can lead to feelings of deep victimization, which can lead to negativity. Tell yourself that you are responsible for your own actions and stay accountable. This will make you feel as if you are the captain of your own destiny, which is very strong position to be in.
Take Time To Laugh – Take time out to laugh, even if you have to go to YouTube to watch your favorite comedian. Like anything else it is worth embracing and a positive choice. Choose to make today an amazing day and celebrate the rewards.

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