Defeating Self Doubt with Adult ADHD

For an adult with ADHD self doubt can a troubling and a believable voice that holds you back.   It holds you back from meeting our needs or pursuing our goals and a tendency to never trust our own instincts and reason is a bane to happiness and growth.  It also interferes with establishing new relationships, and it can block our progress in choosing a career. So how can you get around that, how can you overcome your feelings of self-doubt so that you can move forward again? Here are three steps that can help you overcome self-doubt.
·        Say Stop – When you feel your inner doubts boil up, be quick. Don’t let those thoughts grow from a quiet whisper to a river of discouraging sentences.  Instead, in your mind you can say something like no I am not going to go down that road again. By doing this you will disrupt your thought pattern and stop the inner self doubter from taking over.
·        Look To The Past and Wash Away The Memories –  After you have said stop you can follow it up with looking into your past. Be real with yourself and ask how many times when you self doubted yourself or were afraid something bad would happen, did the negativity become a reality. The answer is probably not very often.  Self-doubts are just monsters in your head that keep you from moving forward and to keep you within the negative comfort zone.  When you look at the past and see how well things have gone despite your negative self doubt, then it becomes easier to let go of them or ignore them and to focus on the positive outcomes.
·        Talk To Someone – When you keep the negative thoughts inside, they can become distorted, exaggerated, and not in line with your reality.  So let them come out to the forefront and talk to a close friend or family member about your self-doubt.  Talking about it can help you hear how exaggerated those thoughts have become.  And by discussing the self-doubts with a close friend of family member can get a change in perspective.

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