An evening routine can help a women with ADHD prepare for tomorrow and wind down ready for the night, no matter what the day has thrown at you! Here are some ideas on how to create a simple evening routine to support you and simplify your life. The Benefits Of An Evening Routine – Do […]
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Demystify Executive Functioning: Part 3 Task Initiation
Task initiation is one of the many executive functioning skills that can be a real big challenge for women with ADHD. This is the ability to start a task or a project right way when needed. It includes being able to overcome procrastination, the task/project is overwhelming, you don’t know where or how to begin, […]
See MoreWomen with ADHD & Masking
Many women with ADHD engage in behaviors known as “masking.” But what is ADHD masking – and why is it a problem? Here’s what you need to know. ADHD masking is a term used to describe the phenomenon for women with ADHD appearing to function normally, despite having the ADHD. It’s thought for a women […]
See MoreSecrets To A Successful Morning Routine for Moms with ADHD
When was the last time you remember your morning routine running smoothly. Where there was no fights for the bathroom, no lost items to look for, and no last minute running back into the house for something.. I could go on. These are commonly heard complaints heard in most moms with ADHD home in the […]
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