Imposter syndrome, sometimes referred to as the imposter phenomenon is a psychological occurrence where a person questions their abilities, talents, or accomplishments and harbors a fear of being revealed as a fraud. This phenomenon was first recognized by psychologists Pauline Rose, Clance and Suzanne Imes in 1978. It is commonly seen among high-achieving […]
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Reduce Emotional Overreactions with The STOP Technique
The STOP Technique is a powerful tool that I use with my coaching clients to pause and regulate their emotions in different situations. Some of the ways that my clients have used the STOP Technique. When one of my clients felt overwhelmed at work, she took a moment, closed her eyes and took a deep […]
See MoreHow To Regulate Emotions A Women With ADHD
Living with ADHD means navigating unpredictable emotional shifts, like driving without a warning yellow light. One minute you’re calm and happy, but suddenly a small trigger can flip your emotions from calm to intense. This can be stressful, but it doesn’t define your worth. By understanding this, you can be kinder to yourself and take […]
See MoreWhy Are Women with ADHD More Prone to Gaslighting?
What is gas lighting? Gas-lighting is a form of psychological or emotional abuse and different techniques are designed to get control of another person. The person who is doing the gas lighting repeatedly or challenges the realization of their victims off-kilter and make them question themselves. For example, the gas lighter might use their ADHD […]
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