Take Back Your Time For Women with ADHD Part 1

Learning to manage your time is an important life skill however for women with ADHD, managing time effectively can be a significant obstacle due to difficulties with time perception, procrastination, and task prioritization. To overcome these challenges, in the Take Back Your Time series, women with ADHD will learn strategies that incorporate visual aids, timers, […]

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Thriving with ADHD: Mastering the Art of Stepping Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Women with ADHD are truly remarkable! They possess a wealth of talents, passions, interests, and skills. Their perspective on the world is unique and exciting. But what about their comfort zones? Do they have a genuine one, a fabricated one, or perhaps a combination of both? So, what does it mean to step out of […]

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ADHD Awareness Month

It’s finally here! ADHD Awareness Month kicks off today, and this year’s theme is “Awareness is Key!” Throughout October, we’ll be shining a light on the power of understanding ADHD, breaking down myths, and sharing essential resources for individuals, families, and educators. Awareness is the first step toward support and empowerment.  This year, ADHD Awareness Month is truly […]

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