Estimating Time How Long It Takes To Complete A Task: We Don’t See Time, We Feel It.

  For a woman with ADHD, estimating time is quite complex. This is because people with ADHD don’t perceive time. It is difficult for them to estimate how long tasks will take or to comprehend how much time they just spent doing a task. As a woman with ADHD, you can get better at time estimation, […]

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ADHD in Women: Removing the Mask

Many women with ADHD engage in behaviors known as “masking.” But what is ADHD masking – and why is it a problem? Here’s what you need to know. ADHD masking is a term used to describe the phenomenon for women with ADHD appearing to function normally, despite having the ADHD. It’s thought for a woman […]

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How To Become Shame Resilient When As A Women With ADHD

One of the subjects that comes up a lot during my coaching sessions with my clients is shame. Shame is an emotion that can play a huge part in the lives of women with ADHD. When a women with ADHD feels shame, they feel a huge sense of embarrassment and humiliation about who they are. And, […]

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