Surviving the Holidays with ADHD Part 2: Fending Off Holiday Stress

The holidays tend to be a “season of stress” for women with ADHD. There’s often too much to do, pressure to find the perfect gifts, obligations to spend time with relatives who we’d rather not see, and an expectation that we will do it all with ease. With all these challenges, it’s no wonder that […]

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Communication Strategies When You Or One Of Your Family Members Have ADHD

Good communication skills are vital in a family when you or one of the family members have ADHD in the hopes to make good decisions together, solve problems effectively, and promote a positive sense of well-being among family members. Use of sarcasm, ridicule, name calling, ignoring, making an annoyed face, looking incredulous, snickering, mocking, overgeneralizing, […]

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5 Ways To Create an ADHD-Friendly Morning Routine

Are you a women with ADHD and you feel like you never have enough time in the morning. Or does it feel impossible to get things done when you wake up? Whether you live by yourself, with your family or roommates, mornings can feel chaotic especially having ADHD .Implementing an ADHD-friendly morning routine might seem […]

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