f you haven’t realized it yet, no one is perfect. Many adults with ADHD may struggle more than most other people in life, and their self esteem may take a pounding because of it. This is because when adults with ADHD go through life with negative thinking, it makes sense that they may develop a […]
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Adult ADHD: What To Do When Over Thinking Gets In Your Way
What is holding adults with ADHD back from the life that they want to live. Being an over thinker can result in someone stands still and who self sabotages the good things in life. In other words, adults with ADHD over analyze and deconstruct things so the happiness that comes from enjoying something slowly disappears. […]
See MoreWays to De-clutter Your Mind and Regain Your Focus
As adults with ADHD, our plates are often piled high with millions of urgent tasks. You cannot focus on the task on the top of your to do list because you have a thousand other things that are nagging at you. You have difficulty sleeping, even though you are tired because of a disagreement you had that […]
See More6 Ways to Focus with Adult ADHD
Maintaining focus can be a real difficult for an adult with ADHD. The endless distractions keep the ADHD brain from focusing on a task as we struggle to get things done at work or try to complete tasks around the house. You are not alone, this is common for adults with ADHD, the trick is […]
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