How To Create An ADHD House Cleaning Schedule You Can Stick To

  Cleaning the house and trying to keep on top of all the housework can be very overwhelming for an adult with ADHD. In this week’s blog I want to look at how to create a cleaning schedule that is ADHD friendly. A cleaning schedule won’t add hassle or stress to you or the people in […]

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Get A Grip On Mind Clutter and ADHD

As adults with ADHD, our plates are often piled high with millions of urgent tasks.  You cannot focus on the task on the top of your to do list because you have a thousand other things that are nagging at you.  You have difficulty sleeping, even though you are tired because of a disagreement you had that […]

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Finish What You Start: 4 Tips To See A Project/Task Through

Do you have a file of unfinished projects/tasks? You know the half baked ideas, the projects/tasks that have never left the work in progress stage. If so, keep on reading, the following tips are to help you see things through and to ensure that you finish the projects that you start. Got a Bright Idea, […]

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