Take Back Your Time Part 5: The Eisenhower Matrix for ADHD Decision-Making

The Eisenhower Matrix is an organizational tool that can bolster your decision-making, planning, prioritizing, delegating, and scheduling. The matrix was first created by Dwight D. Eisenhower to help him prioritize urgent and important tasks in the army and in the Oval Office. The Eisenhower Matrix can be a key tool for your planning too. Let’s […]

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Three Ways I Overcame My ADHD Burnout

Burnout is a state that most women with ADHD try to avoid, but it can happen. I noticed that my burnout started happening while I took care of my late husband from 2017-2019 and it after his passing my burnout left me depressed and I had a difficult time managing my ADHD. I really thought that I […]

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Demystify Executive Functioning: Part 4 Planning  

Executive functioning and planning falls into a group of skills related to a women with ADHD ability to identify and manage future orientated tasks. It also involves how you identify future responsibilities, events, setting goals, and how to complete those goals and how to analyze the steps needed to complete the task ahead of time. […]

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Finding The Work & Life Balance As A Women with ADHD

One major challenges women with ADHD have difficulties with is having a work-life balance. How can a women achieve a work-life balance when your job is chaotic, life in general is a struggle and your to-do list can’t seem to get shorter. While work-life balance is a common challenge for many individuals however a women […]

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