Stopping the Cycle of Self-Sabotage

  Self-sabotage is the negative self-talk that prevents women with ADHD from believing you can do certain tasks. Self-sabotage can be either conscious or unconscious and it holds you back from doing what you want to do. These limiting core beliefs fuel the fire to procrastinate. If a woman leaves this unchecked it can lead […]

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ADHD & Gaslighting In Women

What is gas-lighting? Gas-lighting is a form of psychological or emotional abuse and different techniques designed to get control of another person. The person who is doing the gas lighting repeatedly or challenges the realization of their victims off-kilter and make them question themselves. For example the gas lighter might use their ADHD diagnosis against […]

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Steps to Authentic Self Confidence for Women with ADHD

One of the common aspects that women with ADHD have is the lack of self – confidence. Many women with ADHD have had difficulties in school, labeled as problem kids, told they were not working up to their potential, they were dumb and incapable and after hearing this over and over again they started to believe that what […]

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