Developing new healthy habits takes time and dedication, however it is never to late to break ADHD habits and create new habits in their place. That is why I created the Habit Formation Worksheet which is designed to help you actively create and refine a set of positive daily habits that you can stick to. […]
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3 Ways To Lessen Your ADHD Overwhelm & Stress By Adding Buffer Time To Your Day
For a women with ADHD, your days can feel like you are putting out one fire after the next and your life has been like this for a long time and you don’t know a better way… However I am here to tell you there is a way to reduce your daily ADHD stress and […]
See MoreCoach Jenna’s Method To Overcoming Time Insensitivity 4 Women with ADHD
Time is running – every day, every minute and every second. Even though it is the same for individuals without ADHD (24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour), every person experiences it differently, depending on the activity. But for a women with ADHD, it is necessary to plan tasks therefore to know how long […]
See More4 ADHD Hacks I use To Stay Productive
As a women with ADHD getting my tasks done can be very challenging and often face a difficulty remaining productive especially in a distracted driven world such as emails, the internet and TV. To get a grip on and boost your productivity here are some useful strategies you can use. Create Your Schedule The Night […]
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