Do you struggle with controlling the paper clutter in your home? You are definitely not alone! This is one request I hear from many of my coaching clients so I know it is not easy to control. I also know that it is possible with some consistent effort, and I’m here to help. If you […]
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5 Questions to Ask When You’re Feeling Stuck
As a women with ADHD there are times when you there is so much more out of life and you bring yourself to take the necessary steps but you get stuck or stagnant. Time passes and before you know it you have been in this funk for a few weeks, months and even year and […]
See MoreThe Trouble With Transitions: Task Switching and Women with ADHD
When you are a women with ADHD switching tasks can be difficult. When you are trying to start a task you may feel like you are stuck in a gear which keeps on grinding. There may be other times where you may just want to stop the gear but it just stays in place because […]
See MoreTips for Enjoying the Holidays for Women with ADHD
For a women with ADHD the holidays can be get wrapped up in the joy and the more likely to feel overwhelmed and stressed by the demands of the season. The following tips can help you enjoy the holiday season as a women with ADHD Make friends with your planer – Your planner comes into its […]
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