Women with ADHD: Stop Overthinking and Make That Change

If you are a women with ADHD, you are probably very familar with the term overthinking. This is when your thoughts get caught up in a loop and your mind goes over and over with the same thoughts without feeling better or finding a soultion. For instance, you may get stuck on the day to […]

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Steps to Authentic Self Confidence for Women with ADHD

One of the common aspects that women with ADHD have is the lack of self – confidence. Many women with ADHD have had difficulties in school, labeled as problem kids, told they were not working up to their potential, they were dumb and incapable and after hearing this over and over again they started to believe that what […]

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Women with ADHD & Breaking Down Your Goals Into Doable Steps

When the women that I coach tell me how overwhelmed they get by their  goals. I always try to tell them the importance of breaking large goals down into small steps so you are better able to accomplish them. Having a huge goal such as “clutter my home” on your to-do list would completely derail you, where […]

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