ADHD Brain Fog…… you know that feeling that you have cobwebs in your brain, it is hard to think clearly and it takes you a while to process what is going on around you.. You may find it difficult to concentrate not because you are distracted, it is due your thoughts just wont come together. You also may feel like you are moving in slow motion. Yet, when you are forced to concentrate, you find it exhausting. So what are you supposed to do when you are drowning in your brain fog. The following are a few suggestions
-Taking a brisk walk, going to the gym or running up and down the steps several times. Make sure you exercise every day.
-Get a good night’s sleep
-Drink a glass of water
-Have a cup of coffee
-Stand up, shake your arms and “give yourself marching orders.” Say aloud what you need to do, essentially ordering yourself to get it accomplished. Set a time limit, such as, “I will work on this for 30 minutes.” Set a timer and force yourself to do it.
-Take 15 minutes to engage in something mentally stimulating that you enjoy.
-Monitor your sleep habits. Not getting enough sleep can make your brain fog increase but sleeping too much can do the same thing. Try to sleep seven to eight hours a day (or whatever amount you found works best for you), the trick is to be consistent
-Change your environment. Sometimes a simple relocation will help (that means get off the couch or out of bed) and try completing whatever task in a new environment.
-Have something to eat. Preferably something healthy but several members did indicate chocolate was a favorite.
-Do an ADHD brain dump of what you are thinking when you are in a brain fog. It will help organize your thoughts and force your brain to start working.