How To Manage Hypersensitivity As A Women With ADHD.

Women with ADHD are often identified as being overly sensitive. As a woman with ADHD, you may have noticed that you have strong emotional reactions to things that other people seem to take little notice of. These strong, over-the-top emotions can occur in both positive and negative situations such as loud and sudden noises, bright lights, too many people in a relatively small space (e.g. an elevator), intense odors and itchy or tight fabrics. Here are some strategies to assist you with your hypersensitivity. 

Consider your sensitivity triggers – Don’t make yourself do things that you know will be difficult. To the degree possible, choose situations that suit your temperament. Give yourself more time to process the events of the day. Before you overload yourself by going out in the evening, take a few minutes to consider if you can handle more stimulation if you’ve reached your limit for the day. 

Pause and witness – When you feel yourself reacting strongly in a situation, pause for reflection and take some deep breaths to calm down. Analyze the situation and re-evaluate it rather than just reacting to it. 

Avoid Sensory Overload – If you are in an environment that has a lot of noise, always have earplugs and a headset with you to block out noise. 

Get Enough Sleep: Rest or take a nap before facing a situation that will be highly stimulating or after an intense one to regroup. 

Practice Mindfulness techniques – Meditate or do some yoga to strengthen your ability to cope with day-to-day challenges by practicing feeling calm and learning how to recreate this sensation when you need it. 

Take some time to be in nature – Research has shown that going for a walk in a forest or park can have a beneficial and calming effect. 

While hypersensitivity and heightened emotions can feel like a burden at times. Experimenting with various treatments, tips, and coping tools can help you manage your hypersensitivity and let you enjoy a better quality of life.