Rest and Recharge: 7 ADHD Burnout Tips and Ideas

Burnout is a feeling of physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion. Burnout additionally involves negative feelings or anxious thoughts about the quality of our performance in areas like doing a task, or working on a project.

Fatigue is one of the most overlooked symptom of ADHD. In addition to fatigue, a women with ADHD may feel troubles with emotional regulation, anxiety and sensory issues, a feeling of low-self worth, poor impulse control, or an acute sensitivity to rejection. With it all comes a deep sense of total and absolute exhaustion.

Women with ADHD are much more likely to suffer burnout compared to women without it. Burnout tends to lead to resignation, quitting, giving up, and often actual physical exhaustion, coupled with routine procrastination, self-medicating with caffeine or tobacco, then guilt and neglect, paralysis, and ultimately giving up whatever the project was.

Those are just a few examples of why ADHD burnout and for this reason, I want you to keep the following tips in mind when you come across this in your life:

Identifying causes and solutions by asking yourself these questions-what factors in your lifestyle are causing stress and tension? Can you avoid these things in the future or deal with them better? What concrete changes do you need to make in your life to prevent a relapse in the future?

Do more of the activities that help your brain recover. Both physically and psychologically. It is important during this phase to continue to invest in yourself and your own health.

-Accept that you have reached your own limits and don’t ruminate about this all day.

-Journaling can help you write your thoughts down

-Make sure you have a structured daily schedule with enough moments of relaxation and rest.

-Get enough sleep and limit yourself working to do only as much as you can handle.

-Avoid unnecessary things that cause you excessive stress.