Things a woman with ADHD can do to maintain your decluttering efforts and keep the clutter from coming back.

After clearing out the clutter from your home, you’ll likely notice a significant impact on your surroundings and mood. The newfound sense of calm and clarity can be incredibly empowering, and it can even open up opportunities for new experiences and possibilities. But, to maintain this state of being clutter-free, it’s crucial to develop habits that support a tidy and organized living space. This means establishing routines and systems that promote organization and maintenance, rather than just relying on a one-time purge. By doing so, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of a clutter-free home for the long haul. 

Assign specific homes for each item in your home. – To prevent clutter from creeping back in it is important to find a place for every item in your home. This means identifying a specific shelf, drawer, or storage bin for each object, creating a sense of organization and structure. By doing so, you’ll find it easier to put things away after use, rather than leaving them scattered around the house. Moreover, this approach makes it simpler to locate items when you need them, and it also reduces visual clutter by minimizing the number of objects left out on surfaces and floors. With everything in its assigned “home”, you’ll be able to maintain a tidy and peaceful living space. 

Create habits and routines – To maintain a clutter-free home, it’s essential to establish strong habits and routines. After decluttering, set aside a few minutes each day to tidy up common areas and put items back in their designated places. This nightly routine helps prevent clutter from building up and becoming overwhelming. Additionally, dedicate a few minutes daily or weekly to searching for stray clutter and removing it. Consider using an ongoing donation box to make it easy to collect clutter as you go about your day. Another helpful habit is to never leave a room without picking up or putting away something that’s out of place, ensuring your home stays organized and clutter-free. 

Do regular maintenance decluttering Maintaining a clutter-free space requires an ongoing effort, not a one-time task. Schedule regular decluttering sessions to regularly reassess your belongings and prevent clutter from building up again. As your interests, needs, and lifestyle change, so do the items you own. Regular decluttering helps you adapt to these changes and prevents clutter from accumulating. Additionally, maintenance decluttering is an effective way to tackle any stray clutter that sneaks into your home over time. Consider doing a deep clean every month or quarter to reassess your belongings and let go of anything no longer needed or used. By being proactive, you can maintain a streamlined living environment and even become more ruthless in your decluttering efforts as you experience the benefits of a clutter-free space. 

Focus on organizing and creating systems. A clutter-free home relies on effective organization. Take the time to develop systems that cater to your household’s unique needs and preferences. This can include implementing a filing system for paperwork, categorizing items into bins, or labeling storage containers. By having clear organizational systems in place, you’ll simplify daily tasks and minimize the likelihood of clutter or mess building up. Moreover, establishing organizational systems after decluttering can help you get the most out of your newly organized space by streamlining your home’s functionality and reducing waste of time, space, and resources. 

Be More Proactive – The key to keeping a declutter free home is to be proactive on what enters your home. Adopt a mindful approach to shopping and acquiring new possessions by carefully considering whether each item is truly necessary and if you have space for it. Before making a purchase, ask yourself if it’s worth the cost and if it will add value to your life. Avoid impulse buys and prioritize quality over quantity to prevent clutter from reappearing. By being selective about what you bring into your home, you can preserve the sense of calm and spaciousness you’ve worked hard to achieve and maintain a clutter-free living environment.